CaterSOFT Occasion Features

From enquiry to event planning - all inclusive booking system for wedding & event caterers

Bookings Diary

The colour coded Bookings Diary lets you quickly see and track bookings. There's a powerful event search facility to help you to find bookings fast and see what stage it is. This is one of the most complimented features in the CaterSOFT. Day, Week, Month, Year & List View with different colour backgrounds for easy recognition.

  • Colour coded based on status
  • Powerful search and filters
  • Day, Week, Month and Year Views

Ultra modern Event Proposals

Send the stylish and informative event proposals to the customers with a single click of a button. Setup multiple templates based on the type of event and personalise with customer details & requirements. Design to suit your branding.

  • Beautiful looking online proposals
  • Include bespoke fonts, images, video links
  • eSign facility for the customer to sign the contract electronically

Enquiry Pipeline & Bookings Management

A simple to use enquiry management system helps you to create and follow-up the sales leads from either existing customers or new customers. Setup automated reminders to chase the customers and turn the leads in to business. You can use our plugin to get enquiries directly from your website.

  • Free Enquiry form that connects to your website
  • Create enquiries from phone ledas and emails
  • Import sales leads from an excel sheet

Web Enquiry Form / Sales Leads

We create a free web enquiry form that you can attach to your website for your customers to contact you easily. All those leads automatically logs in to CaterSOFT Sales Leads team, so that you easily manage all your leads in one place. Convert the leads in to enquiries and then confirm the bookings.

  • Manage all sales leads from one place
  • Reporting tools to see the success rates
  • Assign the leads to sales managers at a click of a button

Email Integration - Incoming / Outgoing

Send and receive all the mails in to CaterSOFT, so that you and your staff can see all the comminication in one place. You can send a quotation, invoice, deport request, booking confirmaton or any other email using the built-in templates with a click of a button. And see the history of sent emails for each booking.

  • Send emails to customers with built-in email tool
  • See the full history of sent and received emails per booking
  • Your existing email system stays as-it-is

Event Planning, Job Sheets & Kitchen Sheets

This is a neat little module that'll help you plan everything you need to run an event. CaterSOFT will automate an event plan that will tell you the schedule, guest seating, staff uniforms, seating, service equipment required and so on. So, no more scribblings, word documents and excel sheets – it'll all be there at the click of a button.

  • Multiple function sheet templates
  • Easy to read kitchen sheets for chefs
  • Create custom PDF templates

Sales Reports - Dashboard Graphs

See the detailed growth reports of event bookings. How many new customers joined the business. How the existing customers are using your servies. Immediately spot if any customers are fading away.

Periodical sales reports give you the complete picture about your business.

  • Conversion Reports to track sales success
  • Revenue forecast reports and periodical comparison
  • Failed enquiry report - tells you exactly what stage and why your leads failing

Tasks / Appointments / Reminders

Create appointments such as customer meetings, venue visits, tasting sessions or even automate these regular tasks with the built-in Task Scheduler and receive the auto reminders.

Also you can create custom reminders for you and your staff.

  • A nice little CRM system to provide best customer experience
  • Shared Calendars with multiple users
  • Keep up-to-date with the tasks using the reminder system

Event Schedule

Create multiple event schedule templates based on the type of events. And easily attach them to events and still make changes if necessary. You can create minute-by-minute detailed event schdule so that your team and the customer knows exactly what to expect on the big day!

  • Multiple event schedule templates
  • Easily attach to booking with a click of a button
  • Still make all the necessary changes

Payment Schedule

This is a neat little module that'll help you plan everything you need to run an event. CaterSOFT will automate an event plan that will tell you the schedule, guest seating, staff uniforms, seating, service equipment required and so on. So, no more scribblings, word documents and excel sheets – it'll all be there at the click of a button.

  • Multiple deposits and a final balance
  • Deposit can be fixed value or a percent of the full value
  • Automated reminders to send invoices to customers